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Net worth update per

This is Double_A's first net worth update, hence it will be limited. Later updates will contain more details. Please check out my profile here for more information. As of , my net worth was CHF 312,855 and my FI portfolio was CHF 312,855.

Net worth

CHF 312,855

FI portfolio

CHF 312,855

I am now 20.9% on my way to achive my FIRE target of CHF 1,500,000.

CHF 312,855 FIRE target: CHF 1,500,000


FI portfolio

My FI portfolio now consists of CHF 93,000 (29.7%) in investments, CHF 8,795 (2.8%) in retirement accounts, and CHF 211,060 (67.5%) in cash.

How much can I withdraw according to the 4%-rule?

If I quit working today, my monthly pay out would be CHF 1,042 for the rest of my life.

Retire today with (CHF)
(4.0% SWR)
(3.5% SWR)
(3.0% SWR)

When can I retire?

FI date

My age


I am currently aiming to save/invest approximately CHF 4,000 each month.

Assuming an annual return of 5% on my investments and my retirement accounts, I aim to reach my FIRE target of CHF 1,500,000 in 9 years and 8 months, in , and at that time I will be 41 years old.

By that time I will have invested/saved another CHF 692,000, while the rest will be return on my existing FI portfolio and the new investments, in total CHF 495,145

Financial independence forecast