This is Adun's first net worth update, hence it will be limited. Later updates will contain more details. Please check out my profile here for more information. As of , my net worth was DKK 4,119,556 and my FI portfolio was DKK 941,047.
I am now 6.3% on my way to achive my FIRE target of DKK 15,000,000.
My FI portfolio now consists of DKK 462,907 (49.2%) in investments, DKK 346,824 (36.9%) in retirement accounts, and DKK 131,316 (14.0%) in cash.
If I quit working today, my monthly pay out would be DKK 3,136 for the rest of my life.
I am currently aiming to save/invest
approximately DKK
each month.
Assuming an annual return of
7% on my investments and my retirement accounts, I
aim to reach my FIRE target
of DKK 15,000,000
in 19 years and 6 months,
in , and at that time I will be
56 years old.
By that time I will have invested/saved
another DKK 4,215,000,
while the rest will be return on my existing FI portfolio and the new
in total DKK